Użytkownik będąc na liście ostatniej szansy dnia 25.06.2019 napisał temat w którym była oferta sprzedaży konta. Sam tytuł tematu to "sprzedam konto" oczywiście za to przewinienie otrzymał banicję.
Użytkownik daje upust swoim emocjom w postach - liczne wulgaryzmy za co dostał niedawno ponownie warn, który okazał się jego szóstym.
See https://frcmaven.wpi.edu/artifactory/release/edu/wpi/first/shuffleboard/plugin/networktables/
Note how https://frcmaven.wpi.edu/artifactory/release/edu/wpi/first/shuffleboard/api/ has 2021 arti…
Probably low priority, since (hopefully) we won't have to run in competition with subsystems disabled.
Sample intake disabled stacktrace:
Error at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(O…
See wpilibsuite/allwpilib#507
./wpilibj/src/athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Preferences.java:10:import java.util.Vector;
Currently, running `wpi.sh` on a project with a subdirectory structure (i.e., having one or more subdirectories which are themselves compilable units) appears to be failing with an erro…
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1489): Joystick Button 3 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Error at frc.…
When trying to extend Subsystem or Command, the build fails and the following compile error is thrown:
The user needs more info about what wpi means. Maybe a FAQ would be good.
`Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_stat - /tmp/sitemap.xml20150611-9512-qb1kld`
when running
`rake seo_tools:sitemap:generate`
Full trace:
``` bash
rake aborted!