Hello cartographer developers,
Thanks for your excellent works. I am a freshman to cartographer and ROS. I try to generate map by using a IMU and VLP16, however something wrong must happened in my c…
when I try to follow the instructions in the encyclopaedia docs (http://renpy-encyclopaedia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/translations.html) to create a translation, I get the following error:
Right handed coordinates are the standard in ROS, but this package seems to report back left handed coordinates. Is there a reason?
The [MoveIt task constructor](https://github.com/moveit/moveit_task_constructor) is meant to replace the pick place pipeline eventually, but the current pipeline should *still* be documented in a tuto…
I used nav_sat_transform to publish tf from utm to my odom frame "odom", but when I typed
$ rosrun tf tf_view /utm /odom
I always got the result like following
At time 0.000
- Translation: […
I'm trying to connect to my PLC and just read/write to a string tag. I've looked at the documentation and through all of the forum posts people have made on here for clues. Right now I'm able to read/…
Currently the checkerboard "world" poses are poorly defined and not easily changed. The orientation is hard-coded for the Fetch configuration as to where the checkerboard points are relative to the ki…
I use ros_cartographer with an imu_um7 and a hokuyo 30lx. The map gets produced nicely. trajectory and /scan_matched_points2 are as expected.
The published transform from map to base_link is floating…
The parameter is passed straight into rate()
If echo_rate is 0 there is a core dump (doesn't matter if frame1 is valid):
rosrun tf tf_echo map frame1 0
terminate called after throwing an ins…
Please can add the RS-16 Lidar driver to this? thanks