Project is very interesting. Will it send IMU sensor data to blender software to control camera in UI in real time?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in IMUupdate set input for gyro always = 0 (that mean use only accelerometer)
2. run the IMUupdate fast ( 500hz (halfT of 0,001 or 0,002) )
What is the …
We have the Adafruit IMU, but it needs software integration.
[AdaFruit 9-DOF IMU](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2472)
The [sample folder has IMU code](https://github.com/ImaginaryRadicals/ftc_a…
Write an interface or potentially search for an existing one we should be able to use on the Raspberry Pi.
Hi, just fyi, you maybe interested in https://github.com/copterust/madgwick (fork of https://github.com/japaric/madgwick) or maybe in https://github.com/copterust/dcmimu.
Hi @kekeblom,
Thank you for the app. Honestly saved me a lot of time to conduct experiments.
One small help I needed. When trying to pre-integrate IMU readings, what are the errors viz. Random …
### Robot Name 🤖
ergoCub 1.3 S/N:002
### Request/Failure description
During IROS, we noticed that when closing the ``yarprobotinterface``, the following errors were printed
[ERROR] |yarp.device…
# Motivation/Description ⛰️
Some initial research has been done on inertial measurement units, but we need to decide what unit we want to purchase and determine what requirements they need, as well a…
Is it possible to use multiple IMUs with this library? If possible, what are the necessary changes that need to be done.
I have OpenCamera-Sensors installed on a Moto Z3. I can take a picture with the camera and read the EXIF and XMP tags but I do not see the IMU values stored there. I see from README.MD that IMU for …