@SChamberlain Thought I might tap some of your `plyr`/`reshape2` awesomeness here:
`get_character_list` extracts a list of data.frames. Each data frame has taxon names as the rownames and characte…
Does the current conversion to ape lose element id information? Can we program around this while still maintaining valid phylo objects?
E.g. once I have coerced a nexml file to a phylo tree and iden…
Treebase import seems to be randomizing the names of the trees on import. For example http://www.reelab.net/phylografter/study/view/2044 has the wrong tree labels for the newick trees.
Bio-Phylo-0.55 fails its tests when SVG.pm is installed with perl-5.18.0 from perlbrew on Mageia Linux Cauldron x86-64. Here is the shell session. Please look into fixing it.
``` text
A running list of questions that I might direct to Matt if I cannot figure them out:
- Can we get (public) endpoints/URLs to all the public EML files in KNB?
- How should we be generating `id` attribu…
I have the need to import in ete2 a netwick tree perform decoration with several attributes and
then transform in nexml. Unfortunately the edge tag in nexml does not
have the compulso…
There has to be a way to read in a phylogenetic tree coming from Phylografter and represented in Nexson (i.e. NeXML in JSON) format.
[Renamed issue, was "Nexson tree import]
This character matrix was written by Mesquite:
The following null pointer exception occurs when trying to read it using Mesquite:
Going to read matrix of type Standa…
Hi Rutger,
I was currently trying to debug some code I wrote that takes in a Newick tree, and I think I can trace my problem back to the fact that I had some nodes names containing a semicolon (o…
When you load the below-linked NEXUS file into Mesquite and save as NeXML, polymorphic or uncertain states are turned into more states, rather than polymorphic or uncertain statesets, for example: