As initially discussed through other channels, CBG developed VILOCA to detect potential drug-resistance mutations in wastewater data and they wish is to add the results of this analysis to the cov-spe…
I'm really interested in use DeepTE to classify 26 TE libraries, but I'm really naive with ML algorithms and I don't know how to solve the problem with tensorflow.
I've installed DeepTE from conda r…
I'm running the demo Docker image:
docker run -d --name cga -e load=true --publish 9090:9090 --publish 27017:27017 --publish 8983:8983 --publish 28017:28017 opencb/opencga-demo:2.0.0-dev
Hi Seongmun,
I was using your script on several avian libraries and I found a couple of problems with the code in SEXCMD.R that you might want to check out:
Lines 118-127:
if (sextype ==…
When importing this workflow I get the following error messages:
> Internal Server Error
> Galaxy was unable to successfully complete your request
> URL: https://galaxy.bioinfo.wsu.edu/workfl…
Hi team,
I've been trying to get BG7 working for a while (annotating a ~5MB Streptomyces genome), and now think I've found a couple of bugs and workarounds. I'm working with the latest version as of…
I have cloned what I believe is the current norgal's repo like so:
`git clone https://bitbucket.org/kosaidtu/norgal.git`
When I try to run on it my Mac server I get a message saying "We dont sup…
I analyzed 12 sets of paired end reads with CIRI-full pipeline and tried to run CIRI-vis on each of them. 11 samples worked fine but for the 12th sample, CIRI-vis generates the circRNA plots and list …
### Summary
- Here I have collated all referenced initially compiled in https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-training-for-bioscience/issues.
- Please do comment below if we have not inclu…
Additional command line options could help to manage DB without interface:
- [x] Import a VCF into an database
- [ ] Import a pedigree file
- [ ] Import a tags file
- [x] Query a database (VQL/SQL…