Hi There!
At first, thank you very much for doing this project.
I have the simulator up and running with Apollo but want to do a comparison with Autoware in the exact same scenarios, which seems t…
- [x] Tensorflow-gpuのインストール
- [x] GPUを認識するか確認
- [x] YOLOを動かす
## 参考
i have a tx2 and zed camera and has been set up the environment ,but when i run the launch file turtlebot3_zed_bringup.launch or turtlebot3_slam_3d.launch ,my ros can't receive the /map ,i look up th…
Hi all,
Thank you for providing and maintaining this awesome ROS package thus far.
## **[Issue Description]**
Launching **darknet_ros** along with a **Kinect ONE v2 ROS package** shows a d…
When I run `roslaunch tracking yolo_detection_and_tracking_kinect.launch` I get the following error:
>[yolo_detector_node-5] process has died [pid 4974, exit code -11, cmd /home/[user]/workspace/ro…
I want to let detecting a single image(point cloud) be a part of my program, so could you help me how to input a image to the detect program and include it.
Just like:
Try docker or something
Vuwij updated
5 years ago
trinity@NCRAI:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Base path: /home/trinity/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/trinity/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/trinity/catkin_ws/build
Devel spac…
I have wrapped libdarknet.so in python using an adapted derivative of the reference ctypes wrapper provided in this repo. This is then used as a library by a (python) ROS node. This node is probably n…
We have to add a new configuration parameter to be able to control the frequency that ROS nodes will work