Dear Colleagues,
I tried to edit a 3D-DNA assembly using JBAT. Both v1.9.8 and v1.11.08 were downloaded to my Macbook Pro and tested. After loading the hic and Final.assembly file, I could select a…
Requête : [http://bibliome.jouy.inra.fr/demo/food/alvisir/webapi/search?q=({taxon}*+livesin+soup)+and+((contents%3D(pathogen)))](http://bibliome.jouy.inra.fr/demo/food/alvisir/webapi/search?q=({taxon}…
I'm getting some pretty weird behavior from 3d-dna when trying to correct misjoins. In a nutshell, the hic files from polish on show the diagonal as 2x the assembly length, with all the extra …
We have assemblied a plant genome ( ~ 400M ) using typical command of HiC mode in hifiasm and then scaffolded the contigs of hap1 and hap2 seperately using 3D-DNA. In our previous knoledge, …
Juicer + 3D-DNA + juicebox is a great pipeline.
I have run successfully for DpnII. But for Arima, I have some questions.
I downloaded Hi-C data from VGP, and their Arima provided four restrict…
"Pieni kuopiolainen startup-yritys teki sopimuksen mediajätti Warner Brosin kanssa. Kuopiolaisyrityksen kautta voi jatkossa ostaa muun muassa Väiski Vemmelsääri -figuureita 3D-tulosteina."
Hieno uuti…
matpi updated
9 years ago
I used 3d-dna to assembly genome, there were some strange outputs.
**1**. The *FINAL.fasta file contain a lot of empty contigs, such as
Here is my command and it took almost 28 days to finish.
run-asm-pipeline.sh -m diploid -i 5000 --splitter-coarse-resolution 100000 --splitter-fine-resolution 1000 Perrie_HiC.asm.hic.p_ctg.…
Hello ! I hope for some solutions for my questions. My Bash version is: GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu), and my 3d-dna version is version 180114. When running run-asm-pip…