Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting
Hyo Bin Shin
Metoclopramide (MCP) is a dopamine D2 antagonist and 5-HT4 recep…
Synthesis of 3 out of the 4 molecules we are interested in was achieved successfully. However, the last one has been posing some purification issues. The entire synthetic plan begins with a low yieldi…
In this issue, the members of team C (we can come up with a cooler name :)) will add their research, ideas...
### AC:
- post daily from JSCS
- store the sickle id back in the avni server
- should store error responses in the integration
- take solubility details and hplc from lab test last encounter
- …
**Stabilitätsassay wie beim (R)-3-OH-PAC**
Referenz: Puffer 10min und 3h inkubiert + PLP
Reaktion: 1x mit (R)-PAC, 1x mit (R)-4-OH-PAC
Reaktionsbedingungen: 20 mM (R)-PAC/(R)-4-OH-PAC, 125 mM IPA, …
As an instrument scientist, I want to be sure that the JASCO driver will work with my existing scripts.
We have written an IOC and Labview wrapper VI, the scientists would like to run a test to ensu…
**Date**: Dec 13th 2022
**Time**: 2pm UK time [other timezones](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=12&day=13&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=136&p3=37&p4=771&p5=2…
- [ ] Implementar en front la "decodificación" del abstract que se entrega en _Inverted Index_
- [x] codificar en inverted index el abstract de scholar
- [x] codificar en inverted index el abstract de…
1. Should the paper be worked on now or should we all wait for more data to come in?
2. What journal do we want to publish this work into?? Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy perhaps?