大佬您好,我在运行demo代码 python main.py --use_cached_query 出现以下报错:
我是在Isaac-Sim 4.2和4.1上运行,请问是否因为sim版本的原因呢?
[22.782s] [ext: omni.graph.window.particle.system-105.1.18] startup
Make sur…
### Question
I'm trying to reproduce some results from a MuJoCo codebase in Isaac Lab.
While PhysX has a friction parameter which can be set through the `ActuatorCfg` class in Isaac Lab, it is model…
See: https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/app_isaacsim/prod_kit/linux-troubleshooting.html#q11-getting-spam-of-failures-failed-to-create-change-watch-for-xxx-errno-28-no-space-left-on-device
This prev…
### Proposal
Update Se3Gamepad to support new gamepad controller
### Motivation
I want to use `Se3Gamepad` control a quadruped robot with Xbox. It works fine when I use the old Xbox, but not th…
In our lab, we don't have workstation for researcher, so is there any way to deploy the whole environment on a headless server?
there is the ```IsaacGymEnvs``` environment and the ```OmniIsaacGymEnvs``` environment in the ```NVIDIA-Omniverse``` repo.
Could you write down explicitely how to choose between them?
How to implement the codes in vscode? It seems that if i rebuild one conda env, the vscode could not identify the omni deps.
When I try to run the following -
`from omni.isaac.lab.envs import DirectRLEnv`
I get the following error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mb230/projects/human_ai_coll…
I am trying to install isaac-sim following the docs here - https://isaac-sim.github.io/IsaacLab/main/source/setup/installation/pip_installation.html
When I run `isaacsim` things work fine and I ge…
At one point I got the following error:
> ERROR [internal] load metadata for nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/ros:x86_64-ros2_humble_1930bbec7e7704243656b695b9df7844 …