In order to compile the Cython bindings of [mujoco-py](https://github.com/openai/mujoco-py) (a popular Python interface for the [MuJoCo physics engine](http://mujoco.org/), maintained by OpenAI), the …
## Why Gazebo 9 with dart
We need force control with more easier settings:
- [gravity compensation plugin in gazebo](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=gravity_compensation&cat=plugins), or we wil…
Hello, I am trying to setup the project in my own system. I am not using Docker since my mujoco key ist not valid for that. I have Ubuntu 18.04 and installed CUDA 10.0 and cudnn 7.6.5. However I am g…
When I run run_mujoco.py, the code merged in #447 is currently erroring o…
1. I have downloaded and unzip mujoco200 at \userpath\.mojoco.
2. I have obtained license and mjkey.txt and copied it to \userpath\.mujoco as well as
3. I …
**Describe the bug**
Screen is black for any mujoco-py gym environments
**To Reproduce**
Ubuntu 18.04
Nvidia 1080 Ti
Mujoco 1.5 or 2.0
Simulation runs (prints outputs), but screen is completel…
DeepMind bought the company behind MuJoCo a while ago and open sourced it. It's a *very* robust engine with a huge ecosystem around it. It's a general-purpose engine, but it's particularly well-suited…
When running the example code:
bin/examine.py mae_envs/envs/base.py
I get the following error:
Loading env from the module: mae_envs/envs/base.py
Creating window glfw
Traceback (mo…
### Question
Looking at the dense reward function for Maze Env:
return np.exp(-np.linalg.norm(desired_goal - achieved_goal))
The agent seems to prefer sitting the ball as close as possible to…
### Describe the bug
Hi, I'm not sure about this one as I just recently noticed this behavior and can't remember seeing it before.
Render Mujoco environments as an RGB array renders the image upside…