I wrote a simple code to test negation but it doesn't seem to work for me. Adapted from the smoking status example. Using CLAMP 1.6.3.
Here's a simple text to test. I can see 'PEANUT' semanticTag a…
Hi ,
Thanks for this awesome negation tool, its amazing.
Motivating by negspacy I have some thoughts to implement which is similar task of negspacy, so kindly suggest to me.
I have a medica…
My code currently looks like -
import en_core_sci_lg
from negspacy.negation import Negex
nlp = en_core_sci_lg.load()
negex = Negex(nlp, language = "en_clinical_sensitive")
MetaMap allows detection of negated concepts via the `--negex` option.
echo "Fever, but no headache" | metamap --negex
Phrase: Fever,
Meta Mapping (100…
Thank you for creating negspacy! This is extremely helpful. I was wondering you can provide more detail on `Consider pairing with scispacy to find UMLS concepts in text and process negations.` ?
I …
This tasks consists in postprocessing the results of the Annotators (with the proxy) in order to apply NegEx/Context (cf emails with Wendy's group and Louise).
This will take the form of a new para…
How can I apply negations on the token? is it possible?
I tried following but it ended up in error.
`for token in doc:
print(token.text, token._.negex)
The error is
If running this test script on `reslnklab01`:
import requests
import json
# for string-based match. faster.
url = "http://localhost:8000/doc2hpo/parse/acdat"
json = {
"note": "He de…
Thanks for enabling negex in the spaCy ecosystem -- this is incredibly helpful.
I noticed your termsets.py file is a subset of the trigger words/phrases historically used by negex ([see here](https…
@kaushikacharya How are the pre, post and neg patterns have been written and how one can write it's own pattern based on some other data.?