## Feature
Hi there, this is a hugely welcome addition to the R stack for the pharma community! Thanks so much for working on this.
Apart from the issues which are still on your [ToDo list](http…
> 第一遍, 通读全文,了解内容
> 第二遍,针对性阅读,并记录心得
> 第三遍,理论结合实践
## ref
- [Deep learning papers reading roadmap](https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning…
Thank you for share your code.
But I try it with some toy data.
I found out, If we want to assign a high score to the data which has uniform P(y) and skew P(yx), we should use entropy(py, pyx),…
There are a number of important molecular and scientific models that I would love to see implementations for in DeepChem. Implementations of any of these models would be a great contribution to DeepCh…
## ざっくり言うと
多言語での文章埋め込み(Sentence embedding)を学習するモデル(LaBSE)の研究。BERT由来のMasked language model(MLM)と多言語対応のための翻訳言語モデル、そして文章埋め込みを学習するために距離学習のような学習を取り入れることで精度を向上させた。学習済みモデルをTensorFlow Hubで公開している。
#### キーワ…
Thanks for creating this! We'd made a custom shim around cosub to handle batching and bonuses and such but this is much nicer. Just wanted to report an issue. I launched 20 assignments in batch mode. …
Bot's been working fine until yesterday. Now when I run the bot, it opens Diablo and waits in starting screen for 15 secs, not entering battlenet, before closing and giving me the following error mess…
### Please add your comments and suggestions for improving this repository.
**- Which conference/journal papers would you like to see?**
**- What area of Machine Learning is a priority for you?**
## ざっくり言うと
GPT-3などのzero-shotで使われているpromptingの考えと、pretrain-finetuneの考えを組み合わせた"instruction tuning"を提案した。"instruction tuning"は入力文内にタスク内容の説明文を含める学習方法で、タスクの説明文からその問題の解き方を学習させたいという意図がある。結果としてzero-shotの精度を向…
### Metadata
- Author: Sangdoo Yun, Seong Joon Oh, +3, Sanghyuk Chun
- Organization: NAVER AI LAB
- Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.05022
- Code: https://github.com/naver-ai/relabel_imagenet