Yesterday: started order for blockstack-branded computer camera covers, sent media requests to 10 major media sources re: Silicon Valley TV show, confirmed t-shirts and hoodie order for the 3rd time, …
## Antelope Node Operator Roundtable
Antelope Node Operators, community members and Antelope core developers meet every Wednesday at 14:00 UTC to discuss opportunities to improve the Antelope protoco…
Rune: Please create DNS entry for ads-intron.roundtable.no
# Hey Gnomes!
Welcome to Game of Realms, an online incentivized competition to build the best Gnolang smart contracts! With a total prize pool of 133,700 ATOM, contributors will be rewarded for bot…
- [ ] 500px на 375px
- [ ] большая версия 1000px на 750px
Материал для баннера - https://finec.mgimo.ru/blog/digital-cfo-roundtable/:
- использовать фото спикеров
@super16 - какой формат файл…
This is a stub issue created from the TEI roundtable during https://readcoop.eu/tuc22/, @hackmanschorsch might have more information.
**Idowu Adesina et al**
We've signed up for a Birds of a Feather (BoF) Session at SciPy this year.
This BoFwill consist of a series of short (3 min or less) talks by users of Dask, followed by a roundtable discussion abou…
I clicked on the date on the last comment date in the 'Challenge Discussion' under the 'RoundTables' category and received Problem Problem screen.
Hello! I have previously used Meshroom with recreating 3d models from photographs taken of an object. The photographs were taken similar to using a photo studio with a roundtable. I was using the defa…