## Part 1: Bash Script for Bedtools Commands (2.5 pts)
Your script correctly implements the necessary `bedtools` commands for sorting, merging, and subtracting the feature files. You followed the exp…
Hello, I would like to study the genetic correlations of several diseases in East Asians, and below is the log file. I am wondering why so many SNPs are being excluded due to valid alleles QC. Could y…
"a or b too big, or MAXIT too small in betacf: Numerical result out of range"
Looks like a place where there just needs to be some exception handling.
Thank you for developing this very useful package. I was trying to run the sampleSwaps command to check whether my bam files belong to the same cases. But while running the command, I encounter…
The analysis completes successfully, no errors, but the snp-dists folder contains only the .txt output
I've attached the snp matrix, heres my execution command, and some version info
Dear. Clive and Tade
I have 2 sumstats file (1 sumstats from plink and 1 downloaded from GWAS catalog). I tried to run bridgePRS using these two sumstats and it ended
AttributeError: 'Sumstats…
We only get a vcf file for tag genomes and SNP files for each genome in gt_results. Do you have any suggestions for making a SNP matrix of all genome?
I am using SuSiEx and encountered the following output in a sample file:
| BP | SNP | PIP(CS1) | LogBF(CS1, Pop1) | LogBF(CS1, Pop2) |
Hello sir,
Sorry to bother you;
I have a question about gemma's theory of analysis. H…
Hi Zhili,
I got this error when I was running the SNP imputation step. It was running fine until the very end. I am wondering if this is some system libraries for C/C++ that I don't have on my clu…