I am running processBismarkAln() function on a bam file obtained after bismark alignment. The bam file generated for paired-end nextseq data. The Command I used is as follows.
As requested in the [Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kallisto-sleuth-users/Vq6MpLfObro), we should support other normalization factors. Here are some possibilities:
1. Take a fun…
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/databio/COCOA
Confirm the following by editing ea…
Dear Weilong,
I'm very happiness to find your nice software and paper.
In my own work, I have one question about the methylation level value.
I use this c…
I made a new slim compilation file
I'm not sure that I got everything in it.
This is the master list.
quite often you see experiments with phenotypes which show things like
decreased histone H3-K9 dimethylation at centromere outer repeat
this is refering to the endogenous repeat dg.
However, you s…
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/giupardeb/EpiMethEx
Confirm the following by edit…
Some data (e.g., immunomodulator gene annotations) won't be stored in the IRWG feature matrix. Need to enumerate these datasets and make sure they're available to the Shiny app.
Hi Keegan, the paper introduced a very interesting idea and I'm curious to try it out.
Just one simple suggestion regarding the prerequisite packages: since I'm new to WGBS methylation data, I don…
Right now only one round of diffmeth is incorporated into the report