In julia v1.5.1
(@v1.5) pkg> add MeshCat
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.5/Project.toml`
[283c5d60] + MeshCat v0.11.2
No Changes to `~/.julia/env…
Currently, when using `vis = Visualizer()`, it will connect to localhost.
I just wonder whether it can connect to other IP or not?
I tried the following code but found no effect.
using Sockets…
Hope you don't mind a question here.
I'm using meshcat to visualise ray-tracing simulations ([pvtrace](https://github.com/danieljfarrell/pvtrace) appears in your used by list).
I'm thinking abou…
I just tried to install this package under julia v1.5.1 and got the following error (after the pkg log)
(@v1.5) pkg> add MeshCatMechanisms
Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/Gene…
I want to plot functions on changing meshes without re-creating the scene, but I don't know how to lift both of mesh and function to update the plot.
Here is an [MWE](https://gist.github.com/…
This is true for both `drake/manipulation/models/jaco_description/urdf/j2s7s300_spher…
As a first post -- thanks for putting this package out there! Would it be useful to the community if the Plots.jl dependency and surrounding code in Manopt.jl were conditional?
Was impressed that this immediately works in a pluto notebook!
I tried to display a triangular mesh created GeometryBasics.Mesh. It seems it is not supported. Is this true ? In that case - wh…
It's currently hard-coded here:
but it would be easy to make this configurable through the…
Running ` bazel run //examples/manipulation_station:end_effector_teleop_sliders -- --setup=clutter_clearing` currently results in textureless YCB objects.
![Screenshot from 2020-07-09 14-24-00](htt…