conda env create -f environment.yml -n dammit-env
Warning: you have pip-installed dependencies in your environment file, but you do not list pip itself as one of your conda dependencies. Conda …
Hi there,
I would like to reconstruct model gene to train gene predictors, starting from genome guided and de novo transcriptome.I would like to have confirm if these are the steps to follow:
so I have now switched the transcript alignment over to Minimap (see #79 ) ahead of the actual PASA pipeline since Gmap/Blat are way to slow for my purposes (vertebrate genome annotation).
I run braker2 with RNA-seq data for a green algae genome with low GC content.
I get the final output with warning:
WARNING: Number of good genes is low (30). Recommended are at least 600 genes
I'm trying to use the Trinity best transcript set guide but i've the following errror. Does anyone know what is happening?
$ trinity_cdhit_feeder.pl -infile non-rRNA_Trinity.fasta.tran…
I got the error below while I was trying to run Trinotate through autoTrinotate.pl for my Trinity-assembled transcriptome (fasta file). I am a beginner in bioinformatics and coding. I tried fin…
I built a transcriptome using rnaSpades and am trying to annotate it.
Unfortunately, there was an error during the process that popped up:
Command failed: 'cat /home/lalini/igor_projects/t…
TAMA currently uses identity to Uniprot proteins to select ORFs/CDSs. For genes without a homologue in Uniprot, it would great to be able to incorporate other lines of evidence.
- Use custom refere…
Hi, I am now working on the annotation about a plant genome ~10 Gb genome size. We sequencd the isoseq sequences with Pacbio Sequal platform, that is the full-length transcripts. I used PASA and thes…
Hi there,
funannotate seems to use a lot of evidence, but I wasn't able to find specifics on how the evidence is used to tune ab-initio prediction exactly in the docs. For example, what evidence i…