With the concent of the user, and explicit settings from the user this application should maintain population density about popular locations in the city where the person is. With this the applicatio…
If we are no longer going to update at the county level can we just remove that from the dataset?
Madhya Pradesh Tourism
running list of readings for meetings
For instance, if you look at Imperial County, Boston, or the City of Livermore, where we have eviction data, there is nothing about evictions in the popup.
## C⓪V①D
COVID-19 Cofacts and Comments https://agora0.gitlab.io/blog/covid
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The text copy on the pages for the Monthly Meeting and VR+HCI are out of date. I previously updated the descriptions for each event and pinned them to the #event-info channel of the Twin Cities Gamede…
Dear John Hopkins staff:
It is disconcerting that you have no contact information for your data. While I understand that you are pulling data from WHO, CDC and the states-- your daily numbers are …
### What is your suggestion?
Add Atlanta as a channel under Locations. There are a lot of CS-related jobs opening up as MSFT, Google, and AirBnB are setting up shop in the city. With these r…
I found that there are dramatic declining value for Vaccinations 70-90 years old and over 90+ years old on Jun 27 for both 1st and 2nd doses, which does not make sure, since these data should be cumul…