To add clarity to some attributes using controlled vocabularies, I would suggest officially describing the vocabularies on I14Y where these can be versionned, updated and maintained. Currently this pa…
**Property**: dct:coverage
**Class**:dcat:Dataset and dcat:Distribtution
**Conformance Problem**:
- on `dcat:Distribution` there is no DCAT property to replace `dct:coverage`. But this is because D…
**Property**: dct:license
**Class**: dcat:Distribution
**Conformance Problem**: Currently in DCAT-AP CH `dct:license` is optional on `dcat:Distribtuion`. This does not conform to DCAT-AP where it is…
Based on https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/314, https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/207, and the [description](https://semiceu.github.io/DCAT-AP/releases/3.0.0/#Dataset.theme) of `dcat:t…
[dcat:DatasetSeries in DCAT3](https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/#Class:Dataset_Series) is a subclass of dcat:Dataset, and you may then use the property dcat:dataset to include a dcat:DatasetSeries in…
Dopo anni di uso nella pratica del profilo DCAT-AP_IT mi sono resa conto che in certe situazioni avere exactly 1 (cardinalità 1) per il titolare è limitante.
Il profilo DCAT-AP_IT non è utilizzato …
Please write a note in this thread if you use or intend to use the software. Valuable to know for new users.
DIGGS task id: [/topic/364](https://community.dataportal.se/topic/364) [IA](https://web.archive.org/web/20221018043107/https://community.dataportal.se/topic/364/kategorier-av-%C3%B6ppna-data) https://…
`dcat-ap-SHACL.ttl` uses `` instead of `shacl:message` for validation messages:
Issue to start a discussion of possible interaction alternatives between LDES and DCAT-AP
![DCAT-AP LDES alignments (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/347073/233596635-69d92fbb-85c3-4045-…