Hi there,
I want to ask that, is there some tricks to set some keys like proprio_observation, proprio_desired_goal, proprio_achieved_goal. Also, are those things redundant for training?
Cause, w…
I am trying setup training with a different `mjcx/humnoid.xml` file however I am facing a lot of dimension issues and observation space issues if I just replace the `asset_file`.
What files and cha…
It would be nice to have a wrapper under `brax.envs.wrappers` which takes an Env and a context length, and wraps the Env so that the obs space of the new Env contains previous L steps of observation a…
I found some observations fall outside the specified limits.
Here is a script to test this:
from osim.env import L2M2019Env
def main():
env = L2M2019Env(visualize=False)
When I follow the usage
from gym_extensions.continuous import mujoco
env = gym.make("HalfCheetahGravityHalf-v0")
It shows the error:
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required…
### What happened + What you expected to happen
I've successfully trained a A3C agent using RLlib with incredible speed and reaching good rewards, unfortunately testing the saved agent with same trai…
**Describe the bug**
Error when attempting to create a dataset for MuJoco Hopper-v4 and v5
*If I do not use the minari.DataCollector wrapper the code works all ok and trains successfully*
Maybe I didn't understand the definition of the observation space well: `obs = [phase_one_hot, min_green, lane_1_density,...,lane_n_density, lane_1_queue,...,lane_n_queue]`
Because for the 4x4 envi…
When I tried to run the ddpg_pmsm_dq_current_control inside the examples I got the following error:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected flatten_input to have shape (1, 7) but got array …
Hi there,
I'm trying to parse the following ChordPro and I'm getting a weird output:
{comment: Intro}
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