e.g. the query
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?_PubMed_ID
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 ;
rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P698 ?_PubMed_ID. }
For the graded assignment 1, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be …
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Here are the main resources I am aware of on the top of my head. I made an initial grouping of how I think of these in my head, but by all means feel free to create your own labels/groups that you thi…
A few things to follow up on:
1. Create a summary of what we talked about today
2. I mentioned the importance of formalizing some knowledge on writing, and research design. For the latter, I highl…
For this assignment, we'll use data stories from The [Hindu Data Point](https://www.thehindu.com/topic/data-point/).
Select a story that you like, study it carefully and redesign it. Specifically I…
For this assignment, we'll use data stories from [Reuters Graphics](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/).
Select a story that you like, study it carefully and redesign it. Specifically I want you to …
**Assignment 1: Visualization Critique**
Find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't?…
Reply with your memo as a Comment. The memo should be responsive to this week's readings from David Archer, with 300–500 words + 1 visual element (e.g., figure, image, hand-drawn picture, art, etc. th…
After World War II, antibiotics were considered "wonder drugs", since they were easy cures for what had been intractable ailments. To learn which drug worked most effectively for which bacterial infec…