**__Task Description__**
If you have questions about Chingu or the Voyage process join one or both of the Chingu Roundtable sessions held every:
- Wednesday @ 2:00 p.m. GMT -6 (Chicago)
- Saturda…
# Agenda
- 5 min: Roundtable: How is everyone
- 5 min: Any News
- 10-30 min: My Project Update
- 10-30 min: Demo Time
- ??? min: Deep Dive (optional)
- 5 min: Evaluation
Attendees: @Brianmanden…
This came out of the Fortnightly Style Roundtable meetings. Marketing is translating a subset of our documentation, which has implications for how we want to write documentation.
Add a topic to th…
NatWest Group is running a **How to Measure InnerSource, Open Source and Enterprise Projects** “FINOS Members + Limited Guests, Chatham House Rule” roundtable, to celebrate OSFF London, on behalf of F…
## Context
It was reported on the creator roundtable call that there are barriers to purchase CRT tokens for crypto non-natives. The barriers are not unique for our app, and generally apply for the i…
@RonMcFarland mentioned doing some reading and research on cooperatives and will likely be writing something soon. Recommend connecting with @LauraHilliger and crew to perhaps collaborate on something…
Open Organization Ambassador @RonMcFarland proposes a roundtable discussion exploring *Opening Up Impact-Focused Organizations*, our latest *Open Perspective* and interviewing its authors, @LauraHilli…
After a user logs in, it should return the user to the last page they were at before they clicked "Login." This suggestion came from a researcher at the 5/20/2015 Archives II Textual Reference Roundta…
Earlier, when I would visit https://discussions.topcoder.com/ - recent discussions would show up. This was a good way for me to track any open threads that I needed to respond and not rely on email no…