Proposing an additional layer of annotations for the T cell population. Splitting on CD4 vs CD8 would be first and foremost (looks like its already mostly doable by grepping on T.4 or T.8 from the fin…
currently, the tardis is linked to the players username which does not like name changes rather than UUIDs this means if a player changes their username they lose everything. it should be fairly easy …
I'm working with TCGA RNAseq data (aligned to hg38) and realized there is no annotation for CCL3L1 gene in raw counts data from GDC repository.
The corresponding ensembl id for CCL3L1 is ENSG00000277…
I'm getting some false positives results with inferCNV when I try to detect CNVs from myeloid cells using lymphocytes cells as reference. I tested this with a simple PBMC dataset from healthy i…
A virtual meeting hosted by HCA Asia, October 22nd-23rd 2020
[HUMAN CELL ATLAS](https://www.humancellatl…
We need a way to uniquely represent tcirc components (e.g. single/multi qubit gates, readout, etc).
Among other use cases, this is essential for properly decoding the a tcirc readout string.
I noticed that for my mouse data, some cells have conflicting single.label and main.label annotations. For example, one cell got single.label annotation as "T cells (T.ETP)" while its main.labe…
It seems that some issues people encounter while using the registration issues get solved, but the solutions don't reach them until they purge their caches. Force a purge when there's an update to byp…
Currently Magma models are defined in project repos, which also include a set of matching database migrations. This means in order to change a model in production (to add an attribute, say), we must o…
graft updated
4 years ago
Dette er en fortsettelse av disusjonen i #2 for at vi ikke skal gå for off-topic i det issuet.
Det er to ulike handlinger som man må gjennom. Brukeren må registrere seg og fylle inn sin personlig inf…