- Distribution: Endeavour OS (arch based)
- Desktop environment: Xfce + i3
- Installing method: aur community/papirus-icon-theme 20210302-1
- App name: xfce4-power-manager 4.16.0
I use the…
Hello everyone! I started playing a little more and I noticed a few things...
I hope this hasn't already been discussed extensively and I strongly assume that you have a good reason, but I don't qu…
**Distribution (run `cat /etc/os-release`):**
ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
Hello, It's me again. There is something that doesn't work (or I don't know how to do it) with creating a timeline from an image. The video shows this. The image disappears as soon as the timeline is …
未删除 `catos_repo`
root@atg2 catos]# mkarchiso -v -w work/ catos-iso-for-n…
Would love to make it possible to change the two theme options instead of them being hardcoded to Adwaita variants.
I'm not getting fan speed, I was getting it on previous versions
ferran@pop-os:~$ nvidia-settings -q all | grep FanSpeed
Attribute 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' (pop-os:0[fan:0]): 0.
The valid v…
The color picker does not work for me. In the previous version it worked as soon as I manually overlapped the output image slightly on the second screen. Now this method doesn't help either. The mouse…
Make a GUI for browser selection and installation.
Browsers planned to be included (subject to change):
- Firefox
- Waterfox
- Vivaldi
- Google Chromium
- Ungoogled Chromium
Dear Bruno!
I spent a bit time to create an OpenStageControl Interface like announced and I am slowly preparing to offer it here as a template for everyone interested.
I stumbled across three issu…