Priority (0 2 3 5) 10
Members with the role Country Coordinator use that userid to manage the counties in their country, so all the Manage Images Actions the County Coords have are also needed for Co…
This is a snippet from https://github.com/biothings/biothings_explorer/blob/master/jupyter%20notebooks/TIDBIT%2002%20Finding%20New%20Uses%20for%20Existing%20Drugs%20to%20Treat%20Parkinson%E2%80%99s%20…
Create a recurring Google calendar event and inviting (hide guest list so emails aren’t shared) all the trainees and volunteers
Tara Quinn [6 Oct at 18:32]
Do we need admin access to the Google calen…
- [ ] Transform specified
- [x] Transform implemented
- [x] Codelists created
- [x] Column mapping
- [x] Additional metadata
- [ ] Reviewed
- [ ] Periodic build trigger
I can see the European boundaries separately for each country in the UK, but need one for the whole of the UK. Is there a way to combine the JSON files manually or if not could you make one?
Michelle - Master Chef - S17E5 30/40min
Reads `"url": "/sitelink-api/v1/sites/1"` rather than `"url": ""https://apps.snh.gov.uk/sitelink-api/v1/sites/1"`
Both are giving errors for me although the free version works fine.
Importing Image Overlay
reducing coordinate precision of all coordinates in a polygon can unwittingly create invalid polygons. I'm not sure if it's the place of this program to care about that but it would be nice if no inva…
MC.2>>S:K440R (A22881G)
Query: 22881G,G24095T,del21653
Samples: 3 on Gisaid plus one from Scotland only on Climb Uk
Countries: US(NJ,NC), Scotland