Thanks for making this package. I develop integrative methods to quantify cancer evolution (see https://townsend-lab-yale.github.io/cancereffectsizeR/index.html), and your armSCNA peak-finding a…
I am dumping a few numbers from my gcc9/cuda11.0 centos7 itscrd70 for future reference, from a first look at ggttgg. This should eventually become our baseline replacing eemumu.
I have fixed a min…
Additional stage that allows the user to define analysis binning that is possibly different than reco binning and possibly different binnings for each PID category.
Discussion from PISA call on 2016-…
Quick soon todo/free thinking:
1) ~~Check gev version and recall with @latest if not latest already (as npx will unfortunatelly use old versions if available in cache)~~ done in 2.2.0
2) Interac…
### Environment: (where does this bug occur, have you tried other environments)
- Which branch (often `main` for latest released): `main`
### Steps to reproduce: (give a step by step account of …
### What happened?
Open all context information.
When we are moving the mouse over the speed space chart, it blinks. Same when we zoom in and out.
`Speed Limit Tag` is the most visible blinking c…
[I'm raising this because it's clearly a huge issue, and I'm not 100% sure if it's going to be covered. Is anybody on "Galaxies" here?]
Dark matter consists of 25% of the Universe, gets studied a l…
In code we initialize the electron distribution, for example
ECPL = naima.models.ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw(amplitude,Emin, alpha, Emax, beta)
and then evaluate InverseCompton
IC = naima.models…
Maximum likelihood fits aren't very robust with GEV distributions. It would be nice to implement the method of moments as an alternative.
When using the BHgen there is a hard coded cut which is tuned for a 12 GeV endpoint. Running with a 4 GeV endpoint gived a prolific amount of warnings and only a 4% success rate.
G4WT0 > Warning i…