Please go to [https://toaster.altuhov.su/](https://toaster.altuhov.su/) , fill form with Account Name, Email and press `Create User`
You will receive a message with generated credentials and ready-to…
### Environment
- Operating System: Windows_NT
- Node Version: v18.20.5
- Nuxt Version: 3.14.1592
- CLI Version: 3.15.0
- Nitro Version: 2.10.4
- Package Manager: npm@10.8.2
- Builde…
Im curious to how id implement this in Django, any help?
How to customize the 'toast' event emitted in angular2materialize.
Als **Kunde** möchte ich eine Benachrichtigung für verschiedene Ereignisse angezeigt bekommen, damit man über Fehler- oder Erfolgsmeldungen informiert ist.
#### Anforderungen
* Beim Erstellen oder Än…
I've always thought of redeem as capturing the unit's soul and incorporating it into some sort of alternate world/reality/whatever inside E/L. I looked, and couldn't find anything to back me up on th…
## Feature Request
Outline a series of small improvements identified after the first iteration.
### Improvements
- [x] Have a confirmation link was copied to the clipboard (GMeet uses a toast…
The next up toaster shows the creatures that are going to be tested next. Either only text (the name) or with a small rendered picture.
I am testing this plugin in phpStorm 5.0.4 and it works as described apart from the ctrl-s instruction. For some reason this plugin starts compiling whenever you type even a single character. So while…