Hello, when I ran the [One-Click Reports Generation](https://www.microbiomestat.wiki/single-point-analysis/cross-sectional-reporting-microbial-analysis-reports-with-microbiomestat) by using `mStat_gen…
Sampling from four geographically divergent young female populations demonstrates forensic geolocation potential in microbiomes – Thomas Clarke –Scientific Reports
Installation of MMinte using pip as described fails due to not being able to find cobra=0.5.11. Not trying to install in qime box.
Hi @gtonkinhill, thanks for the really detailed analyses. This looks like it took a lot of time to put together, and I genuinely appreciate the public release on Github. I have two concerns and some q…
I was wondering if it is possible to find the shared OTUs between two phyloseq objects, i.e. two distinct OTU tables?
We have sequenced **nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens** from infants which are in general **low biomass specimens**. We included non-template controls in each run.
Overall, 128 NTCs and 708 biological sa…
Dear developer,
I use the function calculate_by_other to get the data frames(dsgv and vsgv), but i have no idea that the meaning of colname in the data frames, for example
Hi Ben,
I am calculating the relative abundance of **X MAGs** in **Y samples**.
[The relative abundance of 39 pyhla.pdf](https://github.com/wwood/CoverM/files/10230181/The.relative.abundance.of.3…
[HUMAnN 3](https://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/humann/) provides functional predictions for metagenome profiles. An importer to `MAE` or `altExp` in *mia* would be useful as this is a common format.
Dear Benjamin,
I am reposting issue #83.
I have the following set of samples (16S rRNA reads), which were sequenced together on the Illumina (MiSeq 2 x 300 bp) platform:
Soil: extracted/PCR/se…