HI, I encountered an error while running the pipeline.
Input database "/public/home/hanwei/OR-kenowlage_Graph/3-CORDclust/0-scripts/2-CORDclust/CORD_cluster/2023_03/uniprot_db_h" has the wrong type…
Hi, I am trying to replicate some code that we had run on the previous version of the library and I cannot find what combination of function I have to use to get the desired output. After running a se…
## Expected Behavior
Downloading NR database using ```mmseqs databases NR NR tmp```
## Current Behavior
NR_mapping exists and will be overwritten
nrtotaxmapping tmp/4742138305291860127/p…
## Expected Behavior
Using this code foldseek aln2tmscore converted_full/ converted_full/ aln tmscore I should receive tm scores.
## Current Behavior
I get this error,
Input database "co…
I am trying to run hhpred on my clustering results. I have MMseqs2 Version: 9f344f3d6765a1131f22794d9a6fd9fcd8ca2cdf and hhsuite 3.0 installed.
But I cant find the last command (`cstranslate_mpi`) fr…
## Expected Behavior
Cluster structures in a given database made using foldseek createdb.
## Current Behavior
When running easy-cluster on a very small set of 10 PDB structures, running the follo…
When I run the command line proposed for "Rescore aligments using TMscore" (with my own intputs data"):
**foldseek easy-search example/ example/ aln tmp --format-output query,target,alntmscore,u,t**
I've tried to run the whole GeMoMa pipeline for a couple of times. I was able to run it using the evidence from one reference species (obtained with BRAKER). However, when I try to include s…
My original post is below, asking how properly use `concatdbs`, just in case I was not using it correctly but there is no much to tweak using it, `concatdbs` is not working for me I, am trying to conc…
I created a phylogenetic tree from 68 genome assemblies using `ufcg profile` & `ufcg tree` and the pipeline worked perfectly! Thank you! However, I wanted to add few markers that I know woul…