I am trying to run RLBench on a headless server. I have the same problem with #89, I have tried @stepjam 's suggestion as in #89 by using
> Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 +extension GLX +…
Hi @gergondet
There are two parts to this issue:
1. Can mc-rtc be used to simulate a robot in Choreonoid "step-by-step"? What I want is the ability to be able to access the simulation state, appl…
hello ,after installing pyrep,i run headless,my code is :
`sudo apt-get install xvfb `
`xvfb-run python3 examples/example_baxter_pick_and_pass.py`
but i get an error :
`ImportError: /home/xiximu…
I'm doing reinforcement experiment based on the example env script [env_example](https://github.com/stepjam/PyRep/blob/master/examples/example_reinforcement_learning_env.py) . However when I c…
Thank you for taking the time to create and maintain RLBench library!
I noticed that the environment hangs for me. I first tried the [RL example from README](https://github.com/stepjam/RLBench#rein…
$ git clone https://github.com/stepjam/RLBench.git
$ cd
$ wget http://coppeliarobotics.com/files/CoppeliaSim_Player_V4_0_0_Ubuntu18_04.tar.xz
$ tar -xf CoppeliaSim_Player_V4_0_0_Ubuntu1…
Good afternoon!
Yesterday I tried to instal the most recent version of PyRep, but it is not working. It seems to have a problem with simAddLog in both CoppeliaSim 4.0.0 and CopeliaSim 4.1.0.
The pac…
I would like to run steamvr in windows and coppeliasim in linux. Does this sound at all possible? I tried port forwarding 19997 which sort of worked but it quickly crashes while attempting to transfer…
I had followed the suggestion in #76, and encounter the following error when trying to import PyRep.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in
File "/home/thanard/anaconda3/lib…
I was getting an error with Qt when trying to run PyRep
`ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version 'Qt_5.12' not found (required by /home/matwilso/Downloads/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4…