Currently, SCIFIO (and therefore _Image Reader_ in KNIME) opens only the first series when a multi-series czi file is opened. (Tested in Fiji with SCIFIO enabled, and in KNIME).
When importing with B…
This issue was first reported in https://forum.image.sc/t/czi-reader-illuminationtype-mapping-and-exposuretime-units/37557/3 and a sample file showing the issue is available in QA-29273
In the samp…
This issue was raised on the forum thread https://forum.image.sc/t/czi-multiscene-file-the-second-scene-is-black/63782
A sample file has been provided which reproduces the issue with Bio-Formats 6.9.…
My .czi file is made up of 2D tiles, each of the tiles being a Z-stack. ImageJ has no problem stitching those tile together to make a single larger image. However, by using bfopen(), I could n…
yere1 updated
7 years ago
I am just trying to read the metadata of an CZI file using python-bioformats, but I still struggle a bit. I can read most of the information, but not the one I actually need.
Immersion, LensNA, …
If there are two individual images files in a folder with names like 'X.czi' and 'X (1).czi' bioformats can incorrectly read them as part of a single multi-file dataset. Windows often adds the (1) app…
## Description
Fresh install of Napari and `napari-aicsimageio`. Opening Tif or CZI files results in proper opening, but the application closes upon "playing" with the image / time sliders. Every sin…
Dear AMBIA developer(s) and fellow AMBIA users
Thanks a lot for creating this tool!
I ran into a very weird issue: with some of my images (czi format), only a subset of the blevel image is created …
When trying to read images with more than ~20000x20000 pixels (czi files > 4GB), Image Reader fails with:
Encountered exception while reading image 1-2-Scene-2-ScanRegion1.czi! Caught Exception: …
The code shown in the notebook used `czifile`.
> we will open a .czi file using the [czifile library](https://pypi.org/project/czifile/).
But a later sentence contradicts with the previous stateme…