Originally posted in SymbiFlow/symbiflow.github.io#2:
> @mithro
> https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=symbiflow.github.io
> First paint is 2.6 seconds!
> * [ ] P…
Currently the documented way to interact with the openroad python package is thru `openroad -python` (thru https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD/blob/master/src/odb/src/swig/python/main.cpp…
The docs at https://python-symbiflow-v2x.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ don't link back to the repository.
It seems that the `test_full_adder` for `ql-qlf` plugin fails due to a Yosys/ABC instability. Different builds from the same commit yields in different type and count of LUTs inferred for the `compara…
With the assumption of .route file store the pips's names how to convert f4pag's result into dcp file and generate bit through vivado?
We have;
- symbiflow-xc-fasm2bels
- symbiflow-xc7z-automatic-tester
- prjxray-bram-patch
I have apend dsp to arch_def and generate a bits file which contains a DSP48E1 instantiation. But the bits does not work correctly on board. I don't know which step goes wrong. I want to verify the…
@acomodi @mkurc-ant In a recent conversation @mithro suggested there was a way to run the symbiflow-examples toolchain using the surelog SystemVerilog front end. We are preparing to have students run…
Setting the drive property in xdc file results in pin not being driven at all.
The cause is that the plugin sets the parameter to a string constant, while yosys expects an integer constant.
I al…
$ openFPGALoader -b arty_a7_35t /home/foo/git/external/f4pga-examples/xc7/counter_test/build/arty_35/top.bit
unable to open ftdi device: -4 (usb_open() failed)
JTAG init failed with…