In the follow&guide, the robot learns a large environment, with large open spaces.
The robot may exploit these to get back to the start, there is really no need to trace back the exact route the robo…
Let's do this again? :dancer:
I personally think that last year's edition was a huge success, at least half of the par…
Doesn't occur for other engines.
ethan@gandalf:~$ retriever install mysql gwdd -u root -p bats1e
=> Installing Zanne et al. Global wood density database.
Creating database GWDD...
Creating table …
In lines 38,39,51,52 of updateCobraToolbox.m should be = instead of ==
This prevents updating CTB from matlab. Correcting the code makes it work but still can't update because it complains that there…
Hello All,
We have recently upgraded the Plymouth iCub (now it has skin), and we have been facing some problems in the general configurations.
Initially, the iCub had issues with the arms calibrati…
Important Dates
April 17, 2015 Workshop Proposal Submission
May 1, 2015 Workshop Notification
**July 17, 2015 Paper Submission**
**September 4, 2015 Paper Notification**
September 25, 2015 Camera-Rea…
El sistema debe poder adicionar, modificar y eliminar las UO. Las UO pertenecen a alguno de los IES. Poseen un nivel de agregación con su respectiva codificación, Sede Central (1) y Unidad orgánica (0…
Según los datos que posee la UO es el código que ella posee. En estos momentos ese código se está generando erroneamente.
After starting `robotInterface`, our robot calibrates then the right wrist suddenly "falls" and we observe the following in the robot GUI:
- joint 5 (r_wrist_pitch) is IDLE
- joint 6 (r_wrist_yaw) is …
HU: 0002
El sistema debe poder adicionar, modificar y eliminar los IES. Los Institutos de la Enseñanza Superior en Angola pertenecen a una de las Regiones Académicas existentes. Poseen una clasificac…