Thanks for developing hifiasm!
I`m working on a diploid genome using only ccs reads by default hifiasm parameters. I got an assembly with contig N50 ~15 M and the longest primary unitigs is l…
[08:03:45] ERROR Set text.usetex=False. Font styles may be base.py:403
DEBUG Load file `layout3` base.py:37
I am running the facets to a WGS samples. However, I found when I try the different parameters, I got different ploidy estimation. the purity predictions were pretty similar. Can you let me …
By any chance, do you have any documentation, because reading the README I am not sure how to calculate the values for parameters?
Thank you in advance.
Best wishes,
Hello, first , I would like to thank you for providing such a convenient software.
### Description
Since I was not sure about the chromosome number of the species, I ran the _quick view mode_ firs…
Distilled from a long email thread 18 Jan 2012:
rename "Basis of Citation" to "Citation/Type Status" on Specimen Search page.
Remove "type specimen" as a value from Nature of ID.
Modify Nature…
The layout file is:
# y, xstart, xend, rotation, color, label, va, bed
0.6, .05, .9, 0, , Notechis scutatus, top, notechis_scutatus.bed
0.4, .05, .9, 0, , Hydrophis major, top, hydrophis_ma…
Hi, I am trying to identify the syntenic pattern. I have three genomes to compare one is diploid A (2x), B- hexaploid(6x) and C- allododecaploid (12x). The results I am getting A-B (1:4) instead of 1…
1. 首先只用一个物种T. sinense(tsi)得到了第一个祖先核型即AEK, 植物存在WGD, 所以一堆WGD产生的染色体选一条即可.
2. 但如果是不存在WGD的动物, 原始的lens.file就等于老师用到的aek_tsi13s.txt(WGD产生的多条同源染色体中选一条)吗?
3. 再接着运行-d -icl -bi -c -km, …
Dear developers,
Thanks for your great software!
I am working on assembling a putative hexaploid or octoploid plant genome with a genome size of ~1.45 Gb by flow cytometry. In addition, the only…