Most research areas on the site have the top 2-3 conferences listed, so we really should have more than one for Computer Science Education.
The 3 main conferences run by ACM SIGCSE each year are S…
- wir brauchen I Ging Stories!
- Zu allen Toren eine individuelle Story zum zufällig ausgewählten I Ging Tor
- mit jedes Mal passend zum Tor erstellten Bild
- natürlich verbunden mit den B-Daten
Hi @cassiezamparini! @e0d has put together a session called the "Founders Lounge" taking place on the Friday of the conference from 10-11:30.
He's gathered an awesome group of people to take part in …
# Reunião Geral
- Data: 11/03/2024
- Participantes:
- Mateus Santos (@MateusSantosMeuBem )
- Juliany Raiol (@julianyraiol)
- Dâmaris Campos (@damariscampos26)
## Ata
- Data das submis…
Escolha dos palestrantes convidados:
Podemos sugerir nomes.
@turicas e eu @marcelcaraciolo estaremos indo no scipy conference e euro scipy e vamos prospectar convidados para alguns temas específico…
A search bar could ease up navigating the site by indexing awards, player names, maybe UUIDs and more.
## At a glance
Submission name: OpenCon Cascadia
Contact lead: rchampieux@gmail.com
Issue area: #OpenAccess, #OpenData, #OpenEducation, #OpenResearch
Region: #NorthernAmerica
Issue Type…
# 本日の課題をここに記します。
## 今日実施すること
~~1) 全員 Slack の参加申請を行う。 https://join.slack.com/t/furuhashilab/signup~~
2) 全員 [GitHub](https://github.com/) アカウントでログインできることを再確認(まだ取得していない人はアカウント作成必須)。
3) 以下の「State of…
The program export feature currently does not fully populate plenary (e.g. welcome, keynote, etc.) sessions. They show up as just
``` csv
Name,Speakers,Room,Day,Start,End,Audience Level,Category,Url,…
There seems to be a discrepancy of how sections are created in the `ORKFormStepViewController` between 2.0 and 2.1.
While processing the steps in the formItems array the section build up in `build…