Hi, lidar ground detector is not used now, right?
I was wondering if Unity plans on releasing samples showing how to do Object Detection and Image Segmentation using a normal camera or even a webcam? I know this has been done by people using Barracu…
hello. I currently work in a medical institution. I referenced your code and was able to achieve 84-85% performance. But I don't know how to improve the performance further here. I tried using a diffe…
About the failing ‘Pharo11’ builds: build 730 had a ‘Segmentation fault’ at [line 854 in the ‘Full Image-64‘ stage output](https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-ci-jenkins2/job/Test%20pending%20pull%20request%20a…
For this assembly, it was trying to find 4 joints. Switching from `i_assembly.total_number_joints` to `…
I was wondering if it was possible to use the NHMM as a generic signal-basecaller alignment?
I'm only doing it on DNA w/o modifications and want to use this in place of nanopolish which I assu…
First of all I want to say this project does appear to cover a workflow that goes from start to finish using only open source code, which I appreciate. The sample output example you showed from the p…
Dear @maerhart @fabianschuiki ,
When lowering `SV` to `Hw` Dialect, there is a stack dump.
Driver: circt-verilog %s
module top();
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} ms_t;
I think the role of skip-connection is rather disturbing in your paper where reconstruction tasks are usually performed, what do you think?
Using skip connection in reconstruction often transfers a…