I'd like to create a [d3 sankey diagram](https://d3-graph-gallery.com/graph/sankey_basic.html) from TRAPI output. The **[example input file for d3 sankey](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/holtzy/D3-…
If you submit a question with no bound nodes, for example gene - related to - disease or phenotype, qgraph will pass along an Error from aragorn-robokop, and says try again later. This is something ar…
Several pieces of code establish a `/${trapiVersion}/` URL prefix for the CAM-KP-API server:
1. In UI Test run MVP1 > Skin Vascular Disease https://ui.test.transltr.io/main/results?l=Skin%20Vascular%20Disease&i=MONDO:0019293&t=0&r=0&q=645a836f-dee9-4e01-b95e-5eb7db2ab7c8
2. Use the…
We've noticed an issue, where BTE as Service Provider (queried by other ARAs through the team-specific endpoint) returns a status 500 response with `TypeError: item.upstream_resource_ids?.forEach is n…
**TCDC ~~CARA~~ Curated Query Service Overview**
This issue is intended to initiate implementation work on the Translator Clinical Data Committee (TCDC) ~~Curated ARA (CARA)~~ Curated Query Service…
Enhancement request from Max.
We've been assessing the result-level enrichment/augmentation with PFOCR hits. The output today has some consistent issues:
* Too many hits (burden on performance?)
* Low quality, irrelevant hits
BTE currently accepts queries with uniquely defined query nodes or node types. Here, we will extend BTE to accept lists of query entity IDs for execution in batch mode. (This feature currently exist…
We wish to integrate JSON "blob" attributes into KGX.
The proposed syntax and content is the TRAPI JSON Attribute (https://github.com/NCATSTranslator/ReasonerAPI/blob/v1.1.2/TranslatorReasonerAPI…