When I load the values from my device (GMC-500+Re 2.0), I get as first value an extremely high CPM value.
the following two values are also not correct, since the maximum value in the device has only…
If we could implement a drop down menu for the tube selection the fixed sensors would be much easier to do the cpm-uSv/h conversion. Tube chooises could be done by the admins.
hello, this is a ros_package, but I want to know that iLOS use Matlab/Simulink code. thank your help.
Vo verejnej konzultacii v roku 2015, ktoru organizoval USV ROS, boli ako prioritne vyhodnotene udaje o kriminalite:
> Dáta o kriminalite (Ministerstvo vnútra, PPZ). Tieto dáta žiadajú nielen benchmar…
When I am running the sailboat scenario 1 I get an error that I attached as a picture. Also, the sailboat does not move as theoretically expected. I replaced the usv_base_ctrl and navigation s…
http://www.usv.com/admin/ is public facing (picked up by my scanner).
Seems relatively harmless, just wanted to put it out there.
Hi, we want to test out our method for various problem configurations such as different initial locations of the vessels.
In Gazebo, there is a topic or service `/gazebo/set_model_state` that is su…
Garmin can't find Atom Tag device. But BLE protocol for Atom devices probably still the same (Atom Service UUID still same).
My Atom Tag data:
identifier = D9777E37-0C75-5808-3903-ED5CA309CF87, na…
Thank you for creating this great tool.
It would be a great feature if FreeJoy had SBUS/PPM output. Thus, we could make our own controllers for RC devices like unmanned vehicles (UAV, UGV, …