Issue moved from GitHub: https://yoast.atlassian.net/browse/IM-874
Reporter: Michael Brian Tina
* [x] I've searched for any related issues and avoided creating a duplicate issue.
### Please giv…
### Describe the Bug
On the cart page, after updating the cart quantity, modifying shipping details (such as postcode), or adding a gift card, the Apple Pay button disappears. This behavior is unex…
### Initiative (Required)
GSSoC 2024 Extd 🚀
### Is your proposal related to a problem? Please describe.
People send numerous emails every day. This can become repetitive and tedious. I propose to c…
- [x] update on landing page
- [x] email and mailing list
- [x] mission statement
- [x] discuss funding more concretely
Program je na záložce vedle, na Aktuálně dole ho nikdo hledat nebude.
Kromě aktuálních fotogalerií by zde mohly přibýt i novinky a třeba nějaké kroniky z akcí (aka reporty pro veřejnost).
In a similar way to adding a SQL database connection string, please could you add a user interface for adding SMTP email server connection strings? Additionally, it may be useful to add these fields …
It would be nice for people transitioning from other mail list management
schemes to be able to add or import their existing mail list addresses.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by…
AcmeWeb Design | Welcome
Cut and paste of tasks from page https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Draft:Loi_RGPD (to translate)
Anonymisation possible pour les échanges extérieurs:
Ajouter une case à cocher "anonymiser" (op…
eldy updated
11 months ago
Hi when i use the email all users it only sends to 1000. I have 5000+ users which means the really old members get the email and the rest do not. The email would reach probably inactive users and not …