Thank you for the great package. I have a problem when one contrast doesn't exist for one cell-type (assay). This leads to the below error. I understand that no result can be reported for those cell t…
This is a weird problem.
I've installed MOFA and I'm trying to work through the CLL example but can't execute the `runMOFA(MOFAObject)` command.
I keep getting this error:
x session…
I'm trying to run the Transcription factor activity inference from scRNA-seq on my dataset.
When trying to get the network with:
`net # A tibble: 43,178 × 3
#> source target mor
Hi Seurat Team,
Great work with this new version! I think this will really be a huge leap forward!
Trying to work with Seurat 5 - is SCTransform suppoerted?
I've created a new Seurat object and…
I have installed the Seurat 5 beta and it's all working well for me bar the FastNMM part.
I have the exactly same problem with the vignette code (so not giving an example of my own here). The issu…
Hi Jeffrey and Ryan,
I was testing the multiome pipeline following the tutorial below.
However, I found out that at the impor…
This doesn't work as described in the Module customization tutorial. Something seems to be broken with `ResetModuleNames`. I've tried it with multiple `seurat objects` from different `hdWGCNA` runs.
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/waldronlab/TENxIO
Confirm the following by editin…
Hi @grimbough,
I'm trying to install rhdf5 (SingleCellExperiment really), but I encounter the following error when trying to install from BioConductor:
[removed image as it contains personal paths…
I am using the R package "sleuth", which in turns uses the "rhdf5" package. I am getting an error when using the first command in the analysis:
reading in kallisto results
dropping unused factor l…