After running the prediction step I get ~12k valid genemodels on 35 contigs in the predict_misc folder. However the predict_results folder only contains predictions for the first contig in the input f…
VidJa updated
7 years ago
Documenting email thread here:
From Chris Mungall:
Hi Marcus
We're trying to make use of ECO in our infrastructure. We assume there is a 1:1
mapping between an ECO class and a GAF code, and that …
@ClaireMulvey's comment
- [X] Are you planning to mention pRolocGUI in this workflow – it would be nice for readers to be made aware of the GUI and associated apps.
- [X] In the section called “The…
Parsing the script bellow results in multiple errors. Please check.
## -- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 9.6beta1
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.6beta1
-- Started on 20…
\!obi:OBI\_0200033 "leave one out cross validation method"
\!obi:OBI\_0200183 "scaling objective"
\!obi:OBI\_0200066 "Holm false discovery rate correction method"
\!obi:OBI\_0302868 "mean-centered …
I am currently using **gemini 0.18.3** because I didn't want to break my installation. My command is:
gemini_python /mnt/isilon/cbmi/variome/bin/vcf2db/vcf2db.py --legacy-compression vcfs/sample.…
Dear editors,
this paper PMID:12077347 describes a protein complex composed of 4 proteins in namely TRIP4, ASCC1, ASCC2 and ASCC3 and has been described by other publications since then (PubMed=269245…
The prototype of suggested function:
1) Save displays / coordinates (either as file or via cookie)
When I was working with a large and complex structure, a few hairpins were slightly overlapping. It's not a big deal, because it's really …