Response to: https://medium.com/@moonpapers/why-governance-in-most-crypto-project-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-3cfb7bd492c8
During the last hours of the Phase 1 Quadratic voting, an artist took advantag…
ghost updated
4 years ago
The default sound is wrong. Okay no big deal, you can change it. But, Whatever the sound it continues after they are killed, like forever, so annoying !!
The Plant data set is here.
[Wetland_Plant_data_2023_11_08_nj_Edited HD.xlsx](https://github.com/helendallas/FRC_FBIS/files/13459169/Wetland_Plant_data_2023_11_08_nj_Edited.HD.xlsx)
There a re…
Would it be possible to make this tool compatible with the existing [LabelMe](http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Release3.0/) database, e.g. export and import XML for the annotations in exactly the same for…
## IDs for *every* part of the treatment that I am extracting
> (1) I added IDs to the `subSubSection`s now, see http://treatment.plazi.org/GgServer/zenodeo/03AB8782012CFFFCFF1AFDD1FB38EFE9 , the d…
This is a comment more than an issue.
I know that there is a way to play this game in PSP -thanks to Andrew Church-.
This game would play better than the PSP port if we can play it natively on the…
### Background
Until recently, a plant genome sequence could be assumed to consist of sequences corresponding to 1n chromosomes, plus some remaining unplaced scaffolds, and maybe also plastid genomes…
When attempting to grow rice using the Farmer's Delight Expansion mod, only Straw is produced upon harvest.
No Rice are obtained, which prevents players from progressing with rice-rela…
We're using Craft CMS 4.8.9 and Scout 3.3.3.
Some of our entries are not indexing to Algolia and we get:
`Error: json_encode error: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encod…
fyi @myrmoteras
Currently, only the bhl item index and their associated ocr text are tracked.
suggest to include meta.xml for each item also, so that more context for each item can be retrieved…