I was having NullPointerException analyzing delphi files so I decided to exclude all delphi folders from the plugin configuration page. The error is still ocurring and the amount of files to parse fou…
* sonar 版本:6.7
SQL语句: delete from where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT} and 1 = 1
* 初步分析:
* 相关错误日志:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: R…
#define SONAR_NUM 2 // Number or sensors.
#define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Max distance in cm.
#define PING_INTERVAL 33 // Milliseconds between pings.
Servo AIL;
Strangely, the image shown in the rqt_image_viewer crops in the azimuthal direction at the resulting sonar image. Image drawn using the Matlab script shows just fine.
- rqt_image_viewer
Добрый день.
Настраиваю загрузку результата отработки АПК через обработку otymko/acc-export
(https://github.com/otymko/acc-export/tree/master)Файлик сформировался в каталог который у меня в конфи…
roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_stratup.launch
unused args [frame_id, memory_key] for include of [/home/nao/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_bridge/naoqi_sensors/launch/sonar.launch]
Hey Daniel,
I am Jenny from JPMorgan Chase. How are you?
We are migrating from Sonar 5.6 to Sonar 6.7. During the process, I have downloaded quality profile of C# and VBNET from 5.6, installed s…
Hi Everyone,
I got next error when I tried to analyze my Hybris extensions:
Sonar 6.7.3
Jenkins 2.121.1
BitBucket 4.13.0
sonar-stash plugin 1.4.0
12:47:15 12:47:15.313 DEBUG: Using op…
Trying to use it but crash Sonar (8.9.4 LTS).
2021.12.15 10:12:50 ERROR web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to loa…
Hi, first of all congratulations for this awesome project.
My question is if there is any way to use toolkit in CLI mode? Passing a sql file as input and getting a AST as output in XML or JSON. Som…