I'm trying to get the helloworld example running on an Ai-M62-12F-Kit. I can build and flash it, but I don't get any console output via picocom.
Building and flashing:
make CHIP=bl616 BOARD=b…
### Reproduction steps
# Problem
1. Sync the repository
2. Observe Norton `Heur.AdvML.B` warning and quarantine
### Bug prevalence
### GitHub hash of the SDK that was being use…
examples/wifi are not working tested on Sipeed M0S Dock BL616
How to reproduce:
- Use https://github.com/bouffalolab/bouffalo_sdk/tree/master/examples/wifi/sta/wifi_http
- Build it with the toolcha…
### Reproduction steps
#25485 enables protection to check PacketBufferHandle accessing and LwIP UDP receive path doesn't require LockChipStack/UnlockChipStack for PacketBufferHandle protection.
So o…
See this issue for context: https://github.com/bouffalolab/bl_mcu_sdk/issues/83#issuecomment-1407628005
Would be awesome to have this homebrew casks supporting those Buffalo/Sipeed ICs too and `bre…
Newest SDK 2.0 lacks HBN_Set_XCLK_CLK_Sel(...) calls to initialize HBN high-speed clock for BL702. Bluetooth LE and other wireless interfaces couldn't perform properly without such initializ…
Attempting to build on raspi/ubuntu the lighting-app with pigweed RPC enabled. Followed the steps in connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/linux/README.md
So far it seems I have corrupted two SD …
Might you please consider adding in the functionality to allow USB CDC connection to REPL, maybe using the CherryUSB library? Now that Sipeed are pushing out more Bouffalo Lab Bl702/BL616 boards that…
**Describe the bug**
After flashing by blisp to v2.21 my pinecil v2 looks completely dead.
**To Reproduce**
1. Flash v2.21 (Pinecilv2_EN.bin)
2. iron looks dead, no display on screen