I got the center point (2D) of the bbox detected in Yolo. And I got a 3D point for this 2D point. So, I'm going to use this as a topic message.
I'm running it using roslaunch darknet_rod_3d darknet…
There is darknet_ros version for darknet here - https://github.com/leggedrobotics/darknet_ros
But this is very slow compared to this version of the darknet.
I was trying to integrate this version wi…
![screenshot from 2018-04-14 10-05-15](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33410818/38769225-32ec58dc-3fcd-11e8-9ab7-9c2fa8184f17.png)
I run the package by "rosrun darknet_ros darknet_ros",and …
I am using darknet_ros for custom object detection and I have one class called "traffic_cone"
Now, I am able to detect objects but I need to get the distance from the object detected. Is t…
Hi @mbjelonic,
Cool package :+1:
I saw this was released on the ROS buildfarm but [never succeeded to build](http://build.ros.org/view/Kbin_uX64/job/Kbin_uX64__darknet_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64_…
I'm trying to integrate ROS with YOLO, and I want to be able to play the darknet_ros/detection_image topic from bag and visualise it. The problem is that when I open rqt_image_viewer and select t…
Hi, I got this yolov4-for-darknet_ros works, can output a window with objects are detected.
But when I check the rostopics be published and try to use the rqt_image_view to load and show the rostopi…
I want use darknet_3d in gazebo.
I changed darknet_3d.yaml file.
![Screenshot from 2022-06-20 21-54-47](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/85214937/174606257-67141c1e-bbb1-4238-9345-06ccb0a83…
I installed darknet ros from feature/ci-melodic-and-noetic branch to make it work on ros noetic.
After making catkin_make I found this error : /opt/ros/noetic/include/ros/publisher.h:174:70: error:…
Is the deepstream SDK supported on the `noetic-ros-base` package?
Generally we want to run YOLOv3 on a Jetson AGX Xavier and from the nvidia forums it seems the best way to do so will be using the…