Example code
import pims
image = pims.bioformats.BioformatsReader(somefilename)
And error messages that spit out
UserWarning: loci_tools.jar not found, downloading
Dear Omeed,
When running MTAG on the GWAS results of two related traits (UKB data, phenotypic correlation 0.6), with sample overlap, I picked up some loci that were not significant in the GWAS. Ho…
Is there a way to highlight significant loci in the trumpet plot instead of annotating them?
I recently ran Susie fine mapping using tensoQTL's susie.map function. There were several loci where when I looked at the Manhattan plots for the QTL, it seemed like they should have had so…
Hello Emese,
Firstly thank you for creating this repository, it is a really nice simple-to-use set of functions for COI databases. I'd like to ask your opinion on using it for making databases for …
I'm unsure if this is related to #70. I've moved job testing over to the HPC because testing on a single node without slurm does not parallelize jobs as desired (which I sort of expected - although i…
When running 1c_generate_sequence_lists.R, the script is halted with the following error:
Error: object 'failed_loci' not found
Execution halted
In the script, it looks like the object i…
I ran a reference aligned assembly in ipyrad v.0.9.68 with 150bp paired-end ddRAD data and got some partially overlapping loci returned as separate loci and SNPs on those loci are duplicated in the SN…
Add link to Loci Jupyter Notebooks on the http://loci.cat/ landing page.
We use instead of the normal workflow from snpir STAR pass-2 and the GATK best practises to create a bamfile. You recommend to use bwa-mem to align to the normal human reference genome to get …