When using nbsphinx to build on readthedocs.org, nbsphinx has started to crash today (07/12/21) when asked to build latex:
`python -m sphinx -b latex -D language=en -d _build/doctrees . _build/late…
Please leave comments describing ideas for projects below.
Hi @schlegelp, a few questions as promised:
> Neurons can only match within the same developmental (hemi-)lineage.
Is this a hard constraint you want us to impose on the optimization (i.e. we ne…
Could you please put the link for this ("neuron matching with hemibrainr"), and I am thinking to do the similar thing, which is to find corresponding neurons from my own experiment in neuprint…
more advanced addition to #55
* colour_segments How should this work? Need to associate segments with a colour / function. Would be nice if we could do this by nblast results easily
I have a migration that is failing after updating my CATMAID instance.
(catmaid) [catmaid@sonic django]$ ./projects/manage.py migrate
INFO 2021-02-11 18:52:07,602 CATMAID version 2018.11.09-…
missing VFB_ from alphanumeric short_forms
facets_annotation: [
id: "http://virtualflybrain.org/reports…
In http://natverse.org/fafbseg/articles/articles/installing-cloudvolume-meshparty.html, section The natverse and flywire meshes.
In `flywire_xyz2id` with argument `rawcoords = TRUE`. In the example,…
mmc46 updated
4 years ago
If this a relatively simple change can we just change the solr.json to have a Sting rather than [String] for the short_form and the label fields?
These are single entry Items so a simple take firs…
Current label/colour set:
Template ![#ff6cc8](https://via.placeholder.com/15/ff6cc8/000000?text=+) #ff6cc8
DataSet ![#b700b5](https://via.placeholder.com/15/b700b5/000000?text=+) #b700b5
Anatomy …