As the recent pylint now checks the number of positional arguments, we should update our codes or `.pylintrc`.
Because of this, my new PRs do not pass the pylint check.
I will suggest how we shoul…
We need an option to make the command blacklist a whitelist. This is useful for servers who cannot afford custom plugins but have huge ones with a lot of commands.
Is it too simple?
Like this: https://chriskiehl.com/article/thoughts-after-6-years
Hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying Muuri so far!
I'm currently refactoring Muuri's core to make it faster and easier on the memory. While at it I've been reviewing a lot of the internal functiona…
1.1 自由只是开始(个人浅见,欢迎指正)
A. 自由是开源精髓
B. 自由了,如何选择
The prevalent existence of Harvard opinion data with multiple authors tags inside an opinion suggests we have a good number of Harvard imports that will need to be cleaned up - and split apart.
See it here:
Should have citations for `/opinions` , such as this one in Chicago format:
The Free Law Project. “Case Law Archive.” Last modified 2020. Accessed October 15, 2024. https…
Dear developer,
I found there are inconsistent opinions across experts. Are you suggesting Canu for assembling metagenomic data from complex environments such as wastewater? If so, what settings sh…