Hi Kriswiner,
I apologize in advance. A similar question has been asked by skrick in issue #141. I have read your answer. However, I am not able to solve the problem with the information that was p…
I was implementing something similar some years ago, by using dlib
I lost the code, so i tried this one that seems to work. Good work!
I miss some stuff i implemented that improved the perfor…
We would like to have a magnetometer field within the val_hardware_msgs/valImuSensor message type.
2. Related Work
Our proposed pose estimation model uses sparse inertial sensors and a head tracking sensor to determine human movement and full-body posture. Motion capture methods can be classifie…
In your code , using the projection of 3D center ```amodel_offset``` when network predicts it, not the center of 2D box as follow:
if 'amodel_offset' in dets and len(dets['amodel_offset'][i])…
I am currently using a filter to filter out the raw IMU value from the D435i camera but it seems that the yaw value on the continuous Z increases (or decreases) over time even though the camera mounte…
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6779474/
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6388514/
- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9a04/395e93d04c7ed51722c09f7f7f0b76aef0c6.pdf
ErSKS updated
6 years ago
Hey there,
I just wonder the following:
In the picture it looks like the y axis (green) is going out of the red plate but actually this should be the blue z - axis or??
In your paper, stage 2 will return "kp" that the shape should be [B, 20, 56, 56], but in your code the shape is [B, 21, 56, 56] . in your code :
kp = self.L5(self.res2(x) + self.L4(joint)), but self…