Hi, @brianjohnhaas
RNAsamba is a software that can predict protein sequences based on transcripts, but there is no cds sequence here. So here I use the protein sequence predicted by Rnasamba as th…
I am trying to install and use signalP. Which version of signalP works with TransPi?
I tried installing v6 and v5. I get similar errors as below , so we changed the nextflow.config file…
### Publication and Data Information
Refer here for Pistacia transcriptome assembly. This issue will pertain only to the loading to the live site.
With `conda install dammit` version on hpc bridges, only 1 custom aa database:
[ljcohen@br018 sbatch_files]$ cat dammit_L_parva-4642625.o
# dammit
## a tool for easy de novo transcriptome anno…
Hi, @apcamargo
Hello, the results I ran here only have protein sequences and no cds sequences. Can this software get the corresponding cds sequence codes?
apt-get update
apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev python-numpy git ruby \
liburi-escape-xs-perl emboss liburi-perl
pip install -U setuptools
Dear Augustus Team,
I am writing to inquire about an issue I have encountered with gene models generated by Augustus.
In the results from Augustus, I have noticed that many gene models do not st…
Why does a transcript sequence assembled by Trinity.fasta have many stop codons in the middle?
Not sure if this is a dammit problem, seems like a disk space issue. parallel during lastall seemed unhappy with long records:
# dammit
## a tool for easy de novo transcriptome annotation